Monday, September 30, 2019

Archaeological sites in the landscape

What are the chief methods used to detect archeological sites in the landscape? Critically assess the pros and cons of the methods you identify utilizing relevant illustrations.The archeologist uses a scope of techniques to actively detect and turn up archeological sites within the landscape ; these methods are non-invasive and non-destructive and autumn into four wide classs: * Desk Top Surveys †¢ Surface Surveys * Geophysical and Geochemical studies †¢ Aerial Surveys ( Grant et Al, 2002. p5 ) . In add-on to these, some sites may be discovered by opportunity, for illustration when quarrying, dredging and peat film editing or merely out in walking in the landscape. These wide classs all complement each other and the most relevant methods in each instance will depend on the terrain of the country being investigated and the resources and clip available for probe. Besides, the inquiries being asked and the grade of truth required will hold an consequence on how these techniques are used ( Greene. 1991. p54 ) .Desk Top Surveys:The desk top study is office based and uses bing paperss such as maps, historical paperss, old archeological records, images and literature, all of which can all supply intimations and mentions to archeological sites. Maps can be used to turn up sites, and are among the most basic resources available to the archeologist. Early sixteenth century maps are non ever to scale but can be really utile, Ordnance Survey started printing maps in the early nineteenth century and, by analyzing a sequence of maps of an country, much can be learnt from the alterations in usage of the land and edifices. ( Grant et Al, 2002. p8 ) . Old tithe maps and terriers, normally found amongst the workss and documents associating to the ownership and direction of estates and belongingss, may offer penetration about forgotten sites ( Barker, 1993 ) . Although the bulk of early records have non survived, there is still a broad scope of available which the archeologist may happen of value. Legal records, including volitions and tribunal records, can supply boundaries of ownership and hints to the maps of edifices. The Domesday Book and other revenue enhancement records and tithe awards can place the economic usage and boundaries of land, Pictorial records such photographs pictures, and engravings, and descriptive histories written in books, journals and travelogues can all be of value. Of peculiar involvement is the work of William Stukeley ( 1687 – 1785 ) , an accurate and observant recording equipment who travelled extensively throughout Britain, and William Camden ( 1551 – 1623 ) , whose thorough and elaborate descriptions were published in the first general usher to the antiquities in Britain, ‘Britannia ‘ in 1585 ( Greene pp24 – 27 ) . These records can be freely found in museums, libraries and private aggregations and may offer a rare record of an archeological characteristic. Detailss of any old archeological diggings, discoveries and old study consequences are all held in local SMR and national NMR offices and can offer insight into possible sites for geographic expedition. There is frequently much truth hidden in the fables and narratives of antiquity and a survey of these may supply a hint to a forgotten or topographic point. Most traditions and myths are founded on existent people and topographic points which, over clip, can go overdone and incredible. ( Grant et al. 2002. p8 ) . By sifting the embroidery from these legends the archeologist is frequently left with a helpful factual narration. This is a inexpensive and effectual manner of reaping information, but it can be clip devouring. During interviews with local occupants in Kythera, Greece a huge sum of anecdotal information was generated on the usage of the landscape of the island, its ‘ forsaking and reuse, and the connexions between people, small towns and churches which all helped to put archeological work into context ( Johnson & A ; Wilson. 2003 ) . The desk top study is of peculiar value where probes are portion of the planning procedure to determine whether there are likely to be archeological remains which could be lost or threatened as a portion of the edifice and development of the land. ( Grant et al 2002. p6 ) . Many historical records are free to entree and can be found in libraries, museums, County Records and Archives Offices, on the cyberspace, at Local and National Sites and Monuments Records offices and in private aggregations.Surface Surveys.These are ocular studies which seek to happen hints of possible sites and are carried out, most normally, on pes. A surface study can be systematic or unsystematic, although the most normally used, is a systematic attack ( Renfrew & A ; Bahn. 2008. p78 ) . The intent is to do a study of archeological discoveries within an country to find if they might indicate to past human activity ( Lynch. 2006 ) . A grid is usually laid out on the land to help function and a squad of Walkers go over each country on the grid, entering sites and discoveries. The overall record of the types and spread of the artifacts found can give a good thought of the age of a site and its possible old utilizations ( Adkins et al 2008 ) . Fieldwalking is an effectual and comparatively inexpensive manner of appraising land and has a critical topographic point in the find of archeological sites. Once the discoveries are identified and analysed, the informations can besides assist to supply information about the day of the month of a site and its possible maps. Consequences are by and large more dependable where the part is walked repeatedly as a long term undertaking ( Renfrew & A ; Bahn. 2008. p 79 ) . It does hold some restrictions in that different fieldwalkers may hold differential types of aggregation across the same sight. Fieldwalking works best on cultivable land, but needs to be carried out at times in the cultivable rhythm when flora is low. ( Grant 2002 ) . Tesserae found during field walking at Rowler Manor in Croughton, Northamptonshire led to the find in 1991 of a Roman Villa along with a Mosaic paving ( Dawson, 2008 )Geochemical and Geophysical SurveysThe activity of worlds significantly alters the geoche mical composing of dirt, and the archeologist can utilize chemical testing to find countries of change to the dirt by human activity. The most common geophysical trial is phosphate analysis. This chemical is present in most living things and the presence of domesticated animate beings, people and workss in a landscape will increase the concentration of phosphates in that landscape. Areas of high impregnation of phosphates can so be explored farther to determine the significance of the activity ( Renfrew & A ; Bahn. 2008. p105 ) . At Plas Gogerddan, Ceredigion in Wales, geochemical analysis was used to find that entombments on this Early Christian Burial site could be identified utilizing phosphate analysis and possible grave sites of farther entombments were recorded ( Murphy 1992 ) . Geophysical surveying has developed well over the last few old ages and is used with great success in archeological site prospection. There are two chief methods of geophysical surveying, these are electrical resistively and magnetometery ( Bowden 1999. P 120 ) . Resistivity appraising involves go throughing an electrical current through investigation set into the land, and is based on the ability of sub-surface stuffs to carry on that current, By and large, higher opposition characteristics such as inhumed walls have a limited wet content and infilled ditches and cavities which retain wet will give lower readings. ( Reference ) The technique is particularly suited to the find of rock constructions. Its success is affected by local geology and besides the conditions conditions. Very dry or really wet conditions, every bit good as fluctuations in the temperature can impact the quality of the consequences as they affect rate of flow of the electric current. The electric resistance equipment is heavy to utilize and the study can take some clip to finish, but this is a cost effectual method of study. Magnetised Fe oxides are present in the dirt and past human activity alters and redistributes these, making stronger and weaker responses which can be detected as magnetic anomalousnesss. It is really portable and good for rapid surveying of land. The consequences produced can be really elaborate and they are really utile for placing inhumed ditches, cavities, kilns and fireplaces. ( Reference ) The undersoil of the land can act upon the consequences ; the most antiphonal dirts being are chalks and limestone. Igneous undersoils are the most hard to look into with this technique and the consequences on clay dirts can be fickle. Electric resistance and magnetometry techniques were used in karstic terrains in County Cork, Ireland, which identified the place of a antecedently unknown cave ( Gibson et al, 2004 ) . A figure of newer techniques including Ground Penetrating Radar ( GPR ) and Geographic Information Systems ( GIS ) are besides available and going popular tools for the archeologist. GPR was developed for usage in defense mechanism and technology. It is an expensive procedure and is of greatest value where buried sedimentations are close to the surface of the dirt. It has the benefit that it can take readings through tarmac surfaces, and hence is utile in urban environments ( Grant et al. 2002 ) . GIS is a powerful computerised function system with the ability to analyze quantitative informations, which is utile for plotting spreads of discoveries and trial hypothesis. GIS was efficaciously used at Tel Shiqmona, Israel, to carry on coastal and marine studies and to measure the potency of Maritime trading with the Phoenicians ( Breman. 2003 )Aerial SurveiesThe usage of aerial picture taking was pioneered by O G S Crawford, an Archaeologist and Observer in the Royal Flying Corps during Word War 1. Crop Markss, dirt Markss and shadow Markss all cause forms which can be observed from the air. Most aerial exposure for archeology usage are taken at an oblique angle which give better positions of a site, although they do falsify the position. It is of import to include a landmark in the exposure in order to supply a fixed point for mapping a site ( Riley 1982 ) .Aerial Photograph of Crook Laithe Settlement, Linton, Yorkshire.This technique is most effectual on cultivable land and highland countries, least effectual on to a great extent ploughed land and ineffective on to a great extent built up countries and land with plastic covering over harvests. Aerial picture taking is valuable to the archeologist and an huge figure of archeological finds have been made utilizing this method ( Riley, 1982 ) . In a study in Augacatel, Mexico, where heavy jungle prohibited the economical usage of land studies, 25 exposure were taken uncovering up to 63 possible adult male made cons tructions ( Matheny, 1962 ) The conditions conditions are of import and exposures are best taken when the Sun is low in the sky ( early forenoon or eventide ) on a clear twenty-four hours, as the shadow Markss will demo up best under these conditions ( Adkins 2002 ) . The costs of winging are expensive, but since the equipment and movie are relatively inexpensive and big distances may be covered in one flight, this is an effectual and important technique to use in archeological prospection. In add-on to these techniques, some sites are discovered rather by opportunity. In 1985, a husbandman found a figure of castanetss and a little unit of ammunition lead object on a sandbank in Orkney. After demoing his discoveries to an archeologist, this lead to the find of a Viking boat entombment ( Towrie 2010 ) . Whilst delving a well, some provincials unearthed fragments of terracotta, which lead to the find of arguably, one of the most dramatic finds of the twentieth century, The Terracotta Army of Qin Shi Huang in China ( Tianchou 1996 ) . The high cost of archeological diggings mean that it is of import for the archeologist to cognize where to delve in order to avoid expensive errors. The techniques outlined above all assist the archeologist in the find of sites in the landscape, so that future diggings can be carried out in the most cost and clip effectual mode. ‘It is singular how much can be revealed about a site without digging ‘ ( Greene 1991. P 42 ) .MentionsAdkins, R & A ; L and Leitch, V. 2008. The Handbook of British Archaeology ( revised edition ) . London. Constable & A ; Robinson Ltd. Barker, Philip. 1993. Techniques of Archaeological Excavation. 3rd Edition. London. B.T. Batsford Ltd. Bowden, Mark ( Ed. ) . 1999. Unraveling the Landscape. An Inquisitive Approach to Archaeology. Stroud. Tempus Printing Ltd. Breman, J. Journal of GIS in Archaeology. Volume I. APRIL, 2003. Marine Archaeology goes Underwater with GIS. Dawson, M. 2008. Northamptonshire Archaeology. Vol 35 2008. Excavation of the Roman Villa and Mosaic at Rowler Manor, Croughton, Northamptonshire p 45 – 93 Gibson, P.J. Lyle P. , & A ; George D.M. Aug 2004 Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, v. 66, no. 2, p. 35-38. Application of electric resistance and magnetometry geophysical techniques for near-surface probes in karstic terrains in Ireland. Grant, J. Gorin, S. & A ; Fleming, N. 2002 The Archaeology Coursebook. London, Routledge Greene, Kevin, 1991. Archaeology. An Introduction ( Revised Edition ) . London, B T Batsford Ltd. Johnson, I & A ; Wilson, A. Journal of GIS in Archaeology. Volume I. APRIL, 2003. Making the Most of Maps: Field Survey on the Island of Kythera Lynch, Tim. Nov 2006, British Heritage ; Vol. 27 Issue 5, p52-54, 3p Matheny, R.T. American Antiquity, Vol. 28, No. 2 ( Oct. , 1962 ) , pp. 226-230. Value of Aerial Photography in Surveying Archaeological Sites in Coastal Jungle Regions Published by: Society for American Archaeology Murphy, K. ( 1992 ) Archaeological Journal, Vol 149, pp. 1-38. Renfrew, C & A ; Bahn, P. 2008. Archeology: Theories, Methods and Practice. ( 5th Edition ) . London, Thames and Hudson Ltd. Riley, D.N. 1982. Aerial Archaeology in Britain. Aylesbury, Shire Publications Limited. Tianchou, Fu ( ed. ) 1996. The Belowground Army of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. Beijung. New World Press Towrie, Sigurd: 2010. The Orkney Jar. hypertext transfer protocol: // [ accessed 8th March2010 ]

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Rise of Islam

Rise of Islam BY stall One of the greatest cultural spread experience in world history was the rise of Islam. Beginning in the Arabian peninsula and Middle east, It ruled over areas of Asia, Africa, and Europe. Islam was appealing to people In many different varieties of communities. It brought valuable changes as an outcome of correspondence while frequent In regards affiliating with orthodox local belief structure. Muslims urged new cultural proselytes for hundreds of years, beginning at around 700 CE.There were many conquests, far outstretched trade, and extended missionary movement. The geographical aspects of the Muslim people were fairly well accustomed by 1450 CE, which was the end of the post-classical period. Salami's spread was progressive though remarkably sudden given the substantial geography and assorted regions concerned in. So what really provoked Islam to distribute their culture throughout the globe? How did the intensity of Islam become so surreal? The answer is mi litary conquest, wide spread trade, political domination and religious ideas.A supporter of the spread of Islam was Its religious attractiveness. Islam represented the truth. They ad many fastened rules and laws. People were tempted by Islam due to peace, comfort, and security they distinguish In It. It also appealed to people that there was only one God (Allah), whom had no partner, son, companion or resemblance. The root of the word Islam Is Salem', meaning to be In peace with God. In document B (Verses from the Curran) it reads, â€Å"Those who submit to God and accept the true faith; who are devout sincere, patient, humble ,charitable, and chaste. This shows that Allah was fair to those who were fair to him, not bring unjust fairness to the people of Islam. Another cause of Salami's spread was due to their immense military force. Islam spread vastly to other cultures in a factor of military conquest, even though the religion was forbearing of other beliefs. Muslims rarely ever proceeded their religion with force unto people, commonly looking to charging a special tax on the opposition communities.The famous Jihad, or also known as the holy war recounted by the prophet Muhammad, was primarily used for defense of the faith. It was not used for forced conversion, even though there were minor exceptions. But the triumph of Muslim forces could generate a setting In which other people found It sensible to convert, or in which they were enticed to the religion plainly because of its visible power and accomplishment. During Muhammad' death in 632 CE, a large growth of Islam spread throughout the Arab's.This growth helped impel Arabs to an outpour of conquest, and military rapidly spread through the Middle East, involving the Byzantine Empire. North Africa was one untimely conquest. An unsteady median government, the caliphate, was devised for this West Asian- North African innards by Muhammad inheritors; it thrived until the thirteenth century. Political conquest was a major importance to the thriving of Islam. The Islamic government's primary aim was to Institute a truly Islamic society.Islam does not ponder society to be merely an assemblage of Individuals. Rather, It reckons that society also comprises of their social relationships and the social system In which these Individuals exist. These are perhaps the most ultimate factors of a society, as different isosceles are designated as being developed or undeveloped and complex or plain, according to edge and the structure of the overpowering political system, are all part of the compound web of social relationships that contribute to the structure of society.Therefore, an Islamic society, by visibility, is a supreme society in which social order is esteemed and managed according to fundamental Islamic benefits, teachings and rulings. Lastly, another aspect that caused the blooming of Islam was their extensive trade. The first converts were the Sudanese merchants, accompanied by a few rule rs and courtiers. The masses of rustic peasants, however, endure little grazed.In the lath century, the Lombardi interface, directed by a party of Barber nomads who were stern observers of Islamic law, gave the conversion process a new surge in the Ghana empire and past. The spread of Islam throughout the African continent was neither concurrent nor unvarying, but followed an unhurried and adaptive path. People who spoke of the Islamic religion and its ways of peace strode down the trade routes, spreading Islam to the merchants and people. In conclusion, the spread of Islam was due to the fact that they believed in peace, keeping religion stable and secure.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Communist Party Essay

Conservatism is today, in 2009, a word without meaning. It can refer to a Christian agrarianism, urban free market capitalism, the Objectivist world of Ayn Rand and the libertarians, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the imams of Syria and Saudi Arabia. It can refer to the love of free trade and protectionism. It can refer to a strong state, such as Franco’s Spain, or a weak one, such as the early American republic. It can embrace technology and innovation or reject it, seeking a simpler life. It is both anti- and philo-Semitic. It can embrace either integration or race separatism. It can refer to a monarchy or a republic. It can refer to populism or aristocracy. It can refer to the assembly line or the craft guild. It can refer to Milton Friedman, George Bush, G. K. Chesterton or Fedor Dostoyevskii. The word is worse than useless. The book under review here purports to be a conservative manifesto for the Obama era, the era of democratic dominance last seen in the early 1990s. It is in fact two books: a semi-theoretical account of conservative ideas in the first few chapters, and later, a more issue-oriented approach to American politics in 2008-2009. Ultimately, the book fails for several reasons: first, it fails because its â€Å"theory† is aimed at a popular audience, and hence, lacks the theoretical rigor of works such as The Conservative Mind. It also fails because the beginnings of the work, dealing with the founding fathers and the nature of federalism and constitutionalism, are, at best, incompletely integrated with the issue-oriented chapters that follow. Thirdly, and most seriously, the ultimately ideological aim of this book is in no respect different from the basic theoretical ideas of the Enlightenment, dependent upon John Locke, Thomas Jefferson and Adam Smith, regardless of the completely different ethical starting points of the two systems. This is a curious beginning for a work on â€Å"conservatism. † Even more odd is the author’s complete lack of differentiation among the various people that formed the artificial category of â€Å"the founding fathers. † There is nothing about Patrick Henry or George Mason’s rejection of the constitution, or the radical distinctions between Federalists and Anti-Federalists. The author is a radio talk host with a law degree. He is not a social theorist or philosopher, much less a historian, yet the scope of his work seems to demand these backgrounds. The work itself is highly unoriginal, with every idea and every ideological formulation stated in almost the precisely identical to terms in the National Review or conservative papers such as Human Events. There is nothing in the book itself that is specifically original, and these ideas have been regular currency in conservative circles since the New Deal. Since it does purport to be a summation of â€Å"conservative thought,† the fact is that the author sets the reader up for a theoretical discourse that Mr. Levin does not have te desire or ability to relate.

Friday, September 27, 2019

International Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

International Human Resource Management - Essay Example Due to this constant change, many trends take place in the organization such as complexity of employment and hierarchy of managers and employees. There is an increase in the number of employees and size of workforce. Increment in size of workforce requires training to inculcate specialized skills in the employees. Moreover, management also needs a special kind of training that helps them make better managers so that they run the organization in a better way. One of its responsibilities is identifying the competitive employees and non-competitive employees of organization. All these trends possess great importance and every organization requires some individuals who manage the problems pertinent to human resource to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization (Boxall & Purcell, 2003), the process of managing the human resource in known as Human Resource Management. If this management is taking place internationally to run an international business then it comes under the heading of International Human Resource Management. Currently, there is great need of effective IHRM because many organizations are working globally with branches and offices in many parts of the world. Effective IHRM decides the failure or success of any organization globally. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ISSUES THAT ARISE IN IHRM PRACTICES Social responsibility issues that arise in IHRM practices are exploitation of employees, assigning the employees work, which they consider torture for themselves, firing employees for no reasons, giving priority to employees because of any personal relationship (Wood, 1999). Not listening to employees’ complaints and not giving... From the research it can be comprehended that the conventional functions of Human Resource Management now need strategic directions towards increasing and supporting organizational potentials, through actions that go beyond the customary business activities such as economics, marketing, and non-customary activities, such as knowledge management. Human Resource Information System has great implication in every sector. It can play a fundamental role and help the communications process in the organization. Most prominently, organizations can employ and hold the top performers, improve efficiency and enhance job satisfaction of the employees. Human Resource Management has the responsibility to capitalize on efficiency and revenue, but in the rising scenario, the role of Human Resource manager is changing swiftly due to variations in government guidelines, labor legislations, and machinery. The trends have taken place in the organization, human resource planning, job design, motivation, a nd recruitment and skill development and employee relations. Human Resource Management can face the challenges effectively if organizations implement proper strategies. Therefore, the role of Human Resource Management will be more momentous in future due to the rising scenario. To resolve the ethical issues enterprises should make each member of the enterprise aware of the importance of ethics on their lives. If they always respect ethics and consider them as basic for living a peaceful life they will never face any disastrous situation.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Take home final Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Take home final Exam - Assignment Example Section 2: Product 13: In the year 2012, FDA made public an examination into 5deaths, along with a heart attack supposedly tied to utilization of an energy drink known as Monster. The analysis was launched subsequent to the passing away of a girl who was 14 years old of a heart attack because of caffeine toxicity following the drinking of two twenty four ounce canisters of the energy drink referred to as Monster, which as one contains four hundred and eighty caffeine milligrams. That is the caffeine comparable to fourteen Coke cans. One thing is certain: it cannot harm to be additionally mindful of the caffeine utilization (Narins 2). While the caffeine tolerance relies on the person’s size and existing consumption practices, the Council of American Medical alliance on Scientific Affairs proposed that an individual ought to be not more than two hundred and fifty milligrams of caffeine, or approximately three 8-oz coffee cups each day. The American public is pushing to get the Monster energy drink restricted for the reason that energy drinks are believed to be dietary complements; their contents are not presently FDA regulated. A lot of the energy drinks together with Monster Energy drink not simply have extremely high caffeine degree, but they additionally mix them with extra herbs that have caffeine, for instance, guarana , as well as yerba mate, that have the capacity to cause noteworthy side effects (Narins 3). Section 3: Pricing 22: A gas model car of MSRP is known to cost 38,375 dollars, and measure it up to the same hybrid model proffered by the similar company at a bottom MSRP of 43,935 dollars. The hybrid representation costs 5560 dollars more. When one buys a hybrid car, one would anticipate to accumulate gasoline, in view of the fact that the car operates to some extent on electricity. Within the above instance, the typical, two-wheel-drive the year 2011 model's merged highway, as well as city probable fuel utilization is 21 miles for every gal lon. The similar replica with a hybrid locomotive has a probable combined 30 miles for every gallon gas mileage. If an individual plans to maintain the hybrid for more than a few years, his gas reserves would possibly recompense for the top sticker price, for the most part with a year's rapid boost in gasoline cost, if the individual would purchase approximately 728 gasoline gallons every year. In difference, for the hybrid, the individual would establish that the yearly gas acquisition would be of approximately 510 gallons. The individual would put aside 218 gas gallons each year when using the hybrid. Multiply the 218 gallons by a conventional 3.50 dollars a gallon of gas for every dollar reserves of 763 dollars. By choosing the hybrid instead of the normal model, a person would spend the $5,560 disparity in sticker cost within seven to around eight years. Therefore, in this instance, an individual would save cash either by disbursing full price, as well as utilizing the hybrid fo r eight years and more, or by utilizing it for three years and more than with a tariff credit. Section 4: Channels of distribution 24: The top five retailers within the globe take account of Wal-Mart, Kroger, Target, Walgreen, as well as Costco. All these retailers are from the United States of America. Walmart has 8,500 storehouses in

Cross Cultural Communications-Managers Role Essay - 1

Cross Cultural Communications-Managers Role - Essay Example Managing techniques looks good on paper but difficult to implement in work station. A work station consists of employees from different cultures, people from different regions and with different languages. The organization is a conglomerate of different individuals and it is necessary to coordinate with these individuals to fulfill the organization mission. Cross cultural awareness help organizations and their employees to become internationally focused and fluent with the ability to understand the needs of their local markets, clients and employees. Cross cultural awareness will help to develop an in-depth understanding of the underlying attitudes, values and behaviors’ of different cultures and provide us the chance to tune up the employee attitude according to their nature. Cross cultural awareness will make the employees feel comfort with their peers and increases the intimacy between the employees. The cross cultural misunderstandings can be avoided by educating the emplo yees about the culture aspects of the other employees working in the same work environment The understanding of the cross cultural skills will allow the organization to develop strategies to cope up the employees from varied cultural background.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Manifesto for the Eradication of Weapons of Lung Destruction Essay

Manifesto for the Eradication of Weapons of Lung Destruction - Essay Example The greatness of freedom is that we are free to commit atrocities upon ourselves, yet not many people would sign up for the freedom to harm or kill as many people around them as possible. Why then are smokers allowed to do so We hunt down terrorists because they take innocent lives; the US declared war not only on Al Qaeda who took under 3000 lives in the World Trade Center bombings on September 11, 2001, but also on terrorists in general, including Afghanistan and Iraq. So why do we allow environmental terrorists, viz. smokers to escape with using weapons of lung destruction to take the lives of 3000 non-smokers per year, and not to mention the 35000 who die from heart disease every year The environmental Chernobyl disaster engendered public outrage and instigated new laws, yet we hesitate to implement laws to ban the equally dangerous and insidious smoking in public places, which is associated with approximately 14000 new asthma cases in children and 230000 new cases of bronchitis and pneumonia in children under 18 months old.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Team challenges Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Team challenges - Essay Example The five students encounter difficulties in establishing the topic of discussion and eventually settle on conflict management. As the team progresses, there is lack of cooperation by some members while the active members exhibit divergent views, which are not resolved to the end of the preparations for presentation. The paper highlights the strengths and weaknesses displayed by each character as well as some ideas that could improve their input to the project. It also evaluates the performance of the team as well as the impact of a newcomer to the team. Actions that would help in improving the team’s success have been highlighted. The strengths and weaknesses of the 5 students can be described through Belbin’s group roles whereby Robert can be regarded as the plant. He had a strength that is evident when he takes courage to convince the group regarding his creative idea of role play in conflict resolution. He is a self starter who is imaginative and focused towards accomplishing the goal. He is also able to defend his decision as well as influence others to adopt it. His creativity makes Jane to be supportive in generating humour and making the play to be amusing to the audience. He acts as a coordinator as well as the shaper of the group. In the Kolb’s Learning Cycle, Robert fits in the converging learning style (Miettinen, 2000). He prefers practical actions in approaching the group discussion. As a shaper in Belbin’s group roles, Robert’s major weakness is his confrontational behaviour towards Danny who is ignorant and uncooperative, especially bearing in mind that the discussion is on conflict resolution. In essence, he demonstrated lack of skills in conflict resolution and team building. On the other hand, he was dictatorial as regards the group’s activities. He has an egoistic personality, which leads him to compel other group members to accept his decision, which Sharon was greatly opposed

Monday, September 23, 2019

Leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Leadership - Research Paper Example Introduction The study will encompass various learning associated with the concept of ‘leadership’ in the context of management of people. The term ‘leadership’ is fundamentally described as the ability that an individual possess in relation to making effective pathways for others to follow. It is also regarded as a practice in which the actions of different individuals are set to move in a definite direction by a single individual. In addition, the factors that significantly influence the development of leadership among different individuals will be analyzed upon. At the same time, the extent towards which people are influenced by diverse leadership traits and the degree up to which the leadership skills are practiced will be examined upon. The study will also postulate a comprehensive understanding about the term ‘manager’. In addition the roles of a manager will be analyzed upon and the similarity between the duties of a manager and leader in relation to managing as well as guiding people will be identified and studied upon. The paper will also highlight those factors that are crucially required for managing people in the most proficient manner. It will give an opportunity to put oneself in a leadership position and put on different self-practices concerning the implementation of proper leadership tactics and practices (Western, 2007). Thesis Statement The primary purpose of the paper is to highlight those practices that reflect leadership qualities and values. The study will assist in delivering a proper idea regarding leadership and the various activities associated with it. This will help in determining the extent towards which leadership can be developed among individuals and self. Another major goal of the paper is to identify those factors that are required for becoming an authentic leader having innovative and extraordinary skills creating a positive mark in the minds and eyes of various followers. Furthermore, t his study will also propagate similarities and dissimilarities concerning leadership and management skills. It will further identify that whether every manager need to possess effective leadership skills or not. It will thus provide a greater aid in creating a distinct idea towards the understanding of the concept of leadership in a broad manner and will also provide a comprehensive understanding about the implementation of leadership skills in practical life. In Your Opinion, What Does It Take To Become An Authentic Leader Who People Want To Follow? Leadership skills are developed on the basis of integration of various skills such as, communication skills, problem solving ability, conceptual abilities and autocratic nature among others. An ideal leader needs to sum up all his/her resources and implement those whenever required. A proficient leader needs to act quickly depending upon the situation and should be able to provide with quick time solutions for mitigating any sort of dif ficulty or risk. In order to become an authentic leader, one must be continuously involved in delivering those skills that can cope up various challenges or resolve any complex situation. Besides, the leader must constantly attempt to create significant amount of differences in relation to the traditional leadership styles and practices of a leader. Authentic leaders are often considered to be the outstanding performers in their respective fields and also

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Religion and Human Experience Essay Example for Free

Religion and Human Experience Essay Hinduism can be traced back to ancient Aryan civilizations about four thousand years ago and is based on polytheism with various forms of rituals. Upanishads are documented texts which came about after probing the religion and finding ways of attaining spiritual insight from within and for life in general. Brahman is one who sees the divine as being one in all aspects and the Atman which is the soul reflects the oneness amidst diversity and reveals the Brahman in his true self. Maya on the other hand camouflages the truth of unity in mythical and magical shroud. Karma which is related to rebirth is stressed while Moksha is seen as freedom from and beyond all human aspects. The Bhagvad Gita brings out the practical elements of the religion in everyday life through four paths which can be practised together or separately to achieve spiritual satisfaction. The Hindu religion revolves around temples, rituals, polytheism and numerous festivals. Though many may worship a particular god or goddess they believe in all gods as being one in different forms. Priests and gurus are revered and looked up to as spiritual leaders. Animals are given importance as they are believed to be in the image of god this reflects in several gods having animal features. Symbolism is the basis brought out through art and sculpture. This rich culture of India has appealed to many around the world especially the yoga and meditations which have influenced people from every background. Religion and Human Experience 4 Jainism This religion is as ancient as Buddhism with Mahavir as the central figure and whose teachings are similar to Buddha, preaching abstinence and meditation to attain peace and ultimate freedom. This religion does not believe in god’s creation or being blessed by a Divinity, instead they believe in an everlasting universe full of life and pain as in humans. Though humans are considered special and can attain spirituality through compassion and knowledge of the inner self. The basic of Jainism is Ahimsa of which non violence is the most important followed by other virtues. Like most religions Jains honour 24 saints otherwise known as Tirthankaras who are looked up to and followed for their great accomplishments. Purification is part of being a Jain and life is considered a step in the path to eternal liberation from the human body through a life of good virtue and selflessness. Jainism teaches that to gain spiritual fulfilment one has to follow the path of strict non violence. It has five branches Digambaras, Shvetambaras, Sthanakavasis and Terapanthis. Sikhism This is a fifteenth century Indian religion with a background of Hindu Muslim conflict. The founder is Guru Nanak who believed in monotheism and oneness of God. He professed that even though there may be many forms and perception God is one whom he called â€Å"True name â€Å". His teaching was that God had no image and that he was beyond human insight while being the ultimate source of love, wisdom and righteousness. He taught social Religion and Human Experience 5 conscientiousness as part of the religion and the Sikh temples which are called Gurudwaras were open to all. The Sikhs follow and honor ten gurus, the first of whom was Nanak and the last being Gobind Singh who is the permanent guru and is said to have the soul of Nanak himself. Guru Gobind Singh was the founder of the military group called the Khalsa which followed five basic practices religiously. Today these five practices is what distinguishes the Sikhs from the rest, these include uncut hair and beard, Kangha a wooden comb, Kirpan which is a sword, Kachhera the under short which represents the readiness for battle at all times and Kara which is a steel wrist band representing the unity of Sikhs. This community stands out for its independence and strong unity which is their strength. Adi Granth is the holy book of the Sikhs and has verses and hymns written by the gurus themselves. This community has several festivals marking important events in the history of the Sikh religion. Religion and Human Experience 6 References Molloy Michael. 2008. Experiencing the World’s Religions, 4th Edition. Retrieved on June 7th, 2009 from: http://highered. mcgraw-hill. com/sites/0073535648/student_view0/

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The need for a strategic leadership role

The need for a strategic leadership role Strategic Leadership provides the vision and direction for the growth and success of an organization. To successfully deal with change, all executives need the skills and tools for both strategy formulation and implementation. Managing change and ambiguity requires strategic leaders who not only provide a sense of direction, but who can also build ownership and alignment within their workgroups to implement change. Leaders face the continuing challenge of how they can meet the expectations of those who placed them there. Addressing these expectations usually takes the form of strategic decisions and actions. For a strategy to succeed, the leader must be able to adjust it, as conditions require. But leaders cannot learn enough, fast enough, and do enough on their own to effectively adapt the strategy and then define, shape and executive the organizational response. If leaders are to win they must reply on the prepared minds of employees throughout the organization to understand the strategic intent and then both carry out the current strategy and adapt it in real time. The challenge is not only producing a winning strategy at a point in time but getting employees smart enough and motivated enough to executive the strategy and change it as condition change. This requires the leader to focus as much on the process used to develop the strategy-the human dimension, as the content of the strategy-the analytical dimension. Strategic Leadership is the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility and empower others to create strategic change as necessary. Strategic Leadership Process The company Gobind Industries Gobind Industries was founded in 1978 in Barabanki (INDIA), with the aim of providing farmers with Quality of Agriculture implements, at an affordable price, services, lower Horsepower (H.P). They now operate more than 100 stores in India. (Kushal Kumar Agarwal) The Products Gobind Industries offers Threshers, Harrow, Cultivator, Razor, Reapers, Levelers, Rotovator, Trolley, and other small accessories. Part I Culture A culture cannot be precisely defined, for it is something that is perceived, something felt. (According to Charles Handy, 1998) Organization Culture When a group of people works together and live together for any length of time, then form a belief in them what is right and wrong. This behavior based on the beliefs and there actions become habit that they follow routinely. These behaviors constitute the organizations culture. Culture reflects the peoples are performing tasks in an organization, for the objectives and goals to achieve them in a given period of time. It affects the way they make decisions, think, feel and act in response to opportunities and threats. The culture of an organization is therefore related to the people, their behavior and the operation of the structure. It is encapsulated in beliefs, customs and values, and manifested in a number of symbolic ways. (Strategic Management, 5th Edition, by John Thompson with Frank Martin) The impact of the culture in an organizations Location/ National culture Environment The organizations past Size The Mission The Aims and Objectives Management/Leadership Style Levels of consultation, participation and acceptance (Hand notes: Organization Culture) In organization, there are deep-set beliefs about the way work should be organized, the way authority should be exercised, people rewarded and people controlled. (Acc. to Charles Handy) When executives articulate and publish the values of their firm, which provide patterns for how employees should behave. E.g.: If I am not going to submit my assignment on given prescribed time, and faculty doesnt ask me or I submitted my assignment late then next time also I am going to do same, while looking to me other guys also started submitting there assignments late, then slowly-slowly the same process is going to be converted into habit then culture in college of submitting late assignments. In my work place the culture of speaking with the customers in Hindi, therefore for selling the product we required a salesperson those can speak good Hindi which helps the customer to understand the product properly, which will be beneficial to my organization, if I am going to keep those sales person who speaks in English then there is no use of it, but in India after every fourteen miles language changes, so for dealing in the market we had to keep that employee who can speak at least three different languages. So therefore the cultural impact on the organization is very much. Organizational specific, Legal, Regulatory and ethical requirements impact on strategic leadership As per my organization Legal Requirements Regulatory Requirements Ethical Requirements Regional, local laws and regulation. Government operating permits, licenses and approvals. Contracts and other documents that include legal obligations. Regulatory Requirements ensures that the organization identifies, accesses and evaluates laws, regulations and internal organizational requirements that apply to the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services. Identify these regulations helps to evaluate their potential impacts on the company and its products, activities and services. Ethical requirements in an organization for employees is to work for the company not for the personal interest, that the employee is trying to make money for himself, which will be against the ethics of the organization. Impact on Strategic Leadership Impact on Strategic Leadership Impact on Strategic Leadership If all these requirements doesnt fulfill by the company then it will be very costly for leader and as well as for the organization. E.g.: Painting work shop is not there in an manufacturing industry and the organization painting in the open air, then legally there is going to be problem for the organization by the government. So at this time leader had to think for the proper painting workshop that will be not harmful for any one. In an organization the employees doesnt follow the rules and regulation, then it will be affecting on the activities, product and services, for those the leader had to take initiative, and to control the people in an organization so that they can follow the regulation. E.g.: The regulation in the college is that no one should smoke in the campus, if it occurs then the leader can take hard and fast action on the particular person, who had broken the rules. If leader caught any of the employees doing any un ethical work that is against the organizational law, then he/she can be fired from his/her job or otherwise the employee can be handover to the police. Its all depend upon the leader that at what sought of problem is their with that employee. The leader can leave him while giving warning, its all depend upon the situation. The impact on the strategic leader is always a problematic one because if any one break any of these requirements then it will very costly for the organization and as well as for the strategic leader, if any problem occurs then he had to use his skills to resolve those problem, so that the organization should run in a smooth way. Current and Emerging social concerns and expectations impacting leadership in the organization Leaders impact organizational culture and that, in turn, determines levels of individual, group, and organizational effectiveness. These workshops are designed to help individual leaders strengthen thinking and behavioral styles that promote their effectiveness and moderate styles that prevent them from realizing their potential. It also helps leaders understand the impact they have on culture, and its implications for effectiveness at the individual, group, and organizational level. Leaders from the top-down in organizations are using leadership strategies that cause people to behave in ways that are contrary to how they want these people to behave. The reason for this is that we have failed to move from controlling to leading. The average leader operates on the basis of untried and untested but very commonly held assumptions about how to motivate people and achieve excellence in performance. Part II 2.1 The relationship between Strategic management and leadership Strategic Management Strategy is the pattern of decisions in a company that determines and reveals its objectives, purposes or goals, produces the principal policies and plans for achieving those goals, and defines the range of business the company is to pursue, the kind of economic and human organization it is or intends to be and the nature of the economic and non economic contribution it intends to make shareholders, employees, customers and communities. (Kenneth Andrews) Leadership The task of leadership, as well as providing the framework, values and motivation of people, and allocation of financial and other resources, is to set the overall direction which enables choices to be made so that the efforts of the company can be focused. (Sir John Harvey-Jones) When there is an objective to be achieved, or a task to be carried out, and when more than one person is needed to do it. (Armstrong, 1990) The relationship between the Strategic management and Leadership is that the strategic management is used to establish missions, objectives, and strategies for an organization. Leadership work is to complete those missions, objectives, and strategies with the support of their team, who must be inspired or persuaded to follow them. Therefore leadership is about the encouraging the individuals to give their best to achieve those missions that had been given by the strategic management. A series of strategic management components whose formulation and implementation will require a leadership input, these components include decisions about: Planning style Strategic Intent Mission Objectives Ethos and ethics Performance management Financial strategy and management Core values and ideology Understanding and choice of the basis of strategy formulation Perspective-the conceptualization, purpose, and direction of the enterprise. How the process of strategy formulation and strategic decision-making is to be implemented and facilitated How the enterprise is to move forwards into the future. How relationship with key internal and external stakeholders are to be managed within the architecture of the organization. How to ensure understanding and consensus about the critical success factors of the enterprise. How power is to be used within the organization; and how the politics of internal and external relationships are to be managed. (Principles of strategic management 3rd Edition, Tony Morden) 2.2 Leadership styles and their impact on strategic decision Leadership Style and its Impact There are three major leadership styles by psychologist Kurt Lewin a) Authoritarian Leadership (Autocratic) Authoritarian leaders provide clear expectations for what needs to be done, when it should be done, and how it should be done. There is also a clear division between the leader and the followers. Authoritarian leaders make decisions independently with little or no input from the rest of the group. Impact: Researchers found that decision-making was less creative under authoritarian leadership. It is more difficult to move from an authoritarian style to a democratic style than vice versa. Abuse of this style is usually viewed as controlling, bossy, and dictatorial. Authoritarian leadership is best applied to situations where there is little time for group decision-making or where the leader is the most knowledgeable member of the group. As per my organization the authoritarian leader is the Chairperson of the Gobind Industries, sometimes he had to take it self decisions which is good for the organization but it was less creative, therefore he tries to make decision while having a meeting with the department leaders. b) Participative Leadership (Democratic) Democratic leadership is generally the most effective leadership style. Democratic leaders offer guidance to group members, but they also participate in the group and allow input from other group members. Impact: In this group were less productive than the members of the authoritarian group, but their contributions were of a much higher quality. Participative leaders encourage group members to participate, but retain the final say over the decision-making process. Group members feel engaged in the process and are more motivated and creative. As per my organization the meeting is being held in every one month by leaders with the staff members to encourage them and to know something new for the organization, this meeting motivates the employee to achieve the objective that is being set by the leaders. c) Delegative (Laissez-Faire) Delegative (laissez-fair) leadership was the least productive of all three groups. The members in this group also made more demands on the leader, showed little cooperation, and were unable to work independently. Impact: Delegative leaders offer little or no guidance to group members and leave decision-making up to group members. While this style can be effective in situations where group members are highly qualified in an area of expertise, it often leads to poorly defined roles and a lack of motivation. ( 2.3 Leadership styles in different situations and its impact In the graph we can see that there are three stages as per the different situation in an organization. In first stage: the environment and the targets of the organization are soft and they are not under pressure, so the managers should adopt a soft leadership style to maintain the feel-good factor in the team. In this type of situation the leadership is must required to check there members because if doesnt then due to easiness of the environment then became laziness, therefore at this time also there should check on the members. If the leader doesnt do this then in future this will be converted into problem for an organization. In second stage: the environment becomes harder and targets and processes are under pressure, at this stage the manager had to adopt the harder leadership style, in order to focus the efforts of the team to achieve their goals. At this stage the leader had to take some harsh steps against the members of his team, so that they can achieve their goals. If they cannot do this then it will loss for the organization and the blame is going on the team leader, at this point he had use his skills, talents to bring out his team from the hard environment. In third stage: if the environment remains hard and targets and processes are under pressure, then the manager had to adopt hard and soft leadership style, so that the members should not frustrate with the leader, which will be again harmful for the organization, at this stage the manager had to motivate its members and as well as at some times he should harsh so that the work should not be pending, due to the soft behavior of the manager. Part III 3.1 A culture of professionalism, mutual trusts, respect and support within an organization A culture of professionalism in an organization: Developing a Culture of professionalism in my own organization while giving example, I am going to be the leader in this organization and developing a culture of professionalism. While entering into my organization, I felt that I just came into the fish market I cannot recognize any of organizational members at first time and the environment is not that much good as it should be in the organization, some of the members are wearing t-shirts, some of them wearing colorful shirts, while looking all these I decided to make a culture of professionalism so that our members can treat to the customers in value able manner, and it will be easy for the consumers to recognize the staff members easily. I provided them a dress material and ask them to enter in a this formal dress only which changes the culture and as well as the creates the professionalism in an organization, giving them training how to behave or deal with the customer, which incr eases our sale and gives satisfaction to our consumers. A mutual trusts: mutual trust means the beliefs, truth, reliability, ability or strength of every members are there in an organization. This had to be maintained by the leader within the members. The leader should not be partial with any of the member, if he does that then the others members trust he is being loosing and it is going to affect the organization, which is not a good leadership by the leader, he had to make faith equally with every members, As parents makes trust, faith and treats equally to all of their children in the same way the organization is also like a family. Respect: respect in an organization is must because without respecting each other you cannot move a single step also. If the staff member gives respect to the manager then he/she also had to give respect to his juniors. Respect can be in terms of listening to the seniors and giving respect to juniors, helping them in any of the problem. In an organization giving respect to the customer is must, it can while dealing them asking about water or tea or a coffee, or while receiving them in the reception area, these all shows the respect towards a consumer and as well as within the members of an organization. Support: within the organization the support can be given with in the team members, it can be one department to another department also. The example, if a employee is being given some work to do and he is not able to complete within the time period, then his team member can give support to finish his work on time. Example between two departments, in sales department if any of the member sales something to the consumer and to the consumer he had to give bill of the product, then the sales person request to the finance department to give their support to them for printing out bill as soon as possible. 3.2 Strategic leader focus on Organization in the achievement of objectives The leader must focus on the objectives as higher profits, shareholder value and customer satisfaction. To achieve results, the leader had to develop a solid, sound, customer-focused, and entrepreneurial strategy, aimed at market leadership, based on innovation, and tightly focused on decisive opportunities. He had to provide the feedback to the organization about the higher profits every month so that he can came to know that where he is failing to bring up higher profits. These can be done while increasing the market share, increment in the quality of a product, good after sales service. While providing all these he bring the higher profits for the organization and as well as customer satisfaction and the shareholder value in the market. Shares are rising of the company on the daily or weekly basis, which is again beneficial to the organization. 3.3 Strategic Leader supports and develops understanding of the organizations direction The organizational direction means the organization vision, mission, values and direction towards customers. The strategic leader supports the vision of the organization, as the vision of the organization is To become a most successful and respected thresher company in the India and the best after sale service provider in the market. So the strategic leader had to work as per their vision because Gobind Industries is already a respected organization in India and it is easy for the leader to make more successful organization and he can develop this by working on it or by providing best after sales service to the consumers as compare to their competitors. We will provide high quality of product so that the consumer can easily use multi crop threshers this is the mission of the company which the leader had to support while making corrections in the machinery to achieve more better quality of product as in the mission is being mentioned. The organization values are: believing in excellence service through Integrity, Innovation and Learning Integrity that the strategic leader develops and support is the honesty and doing right thing for their consumers and always honoring our commitments. Strategic leader develop and support the creativity and change for achieving continuous improvements and results in our jobs and in our organization. As the organizational direction is about learning then the strategic leader support and develop this part in itself also which will be helpful for himself and for the organization too. Organization believe in on going learning new things by getting knowledge from consumer, market, suppliers, dealers, friends or from any stakeholder about our product fault or any better need for an organization which will be beneficial for our consumer and for the organization. 3.4 Strategic Leadership Styles are adapted to meet changing needs and to enable organizational development and commitment With varying degrees of success, many leaders get their strategy making to this point and either stop or their process stalls. A major reason is the lack of understanding and commitment to the steps required to build more effective strategic leadership practices and a strategy dialogue in the operating groups below the senior managers. These groups and especially their leadership teams frequently do not know how to proceed and there is no consistent in-house resource to assist them. The net effect is the sense of excitement and momentum that was generated at the top of the house in the earlier stages of the strategy process is lost and the strategy team of employees is derailed before it is even gets started. One of the best ways to address this is to identify and train a cadre of high potential line managers in the middle of the organization that can serve as champions of the strategy process to those both above and below them. In this sense they serve both as a catalyst for the pro cess and as a bridge between formulation and implementation. They do not replace the leadership role of the senior teams in each of these operating group but they do serve as a critical additional resource that is dedicated to creating momentum and fostering consistency. This can be especially important if the strategy defined requires changes in the organizational culture as well as the business model. This resource also helps to ensure that the day-to-day running the business is not neglected as the demands of building a large-scale strategy dialogue come into play. To integrate both dimensions into strategy making in a way that creates a winning outcome and gets the whole organization understanding and committed to this common agenda requires leaders who are clear about the strategic capacity of each of their internal stakeholder groups and who have the perspective and insights to lead in a way that incorporates both dimensions as the strategy is developed. The steps described below are intended to provide the leader with techniques to do that. Taken collectively, they define a process that incorporates both the analytical and human dimensions, while challenging individuals throughout the organization to raise the quality and quantity of their strategic thinking and their strategic leadership. Conclusion Finally, when deciding what vocabulary and toolset is best to use while working across large populations, simpler is usually better. The simpler the language and the fewer the tools, the more accessible the strategy becomes to larger groups of people and the more people can understand it, know how they should think and talk about it, and identify how they can contribute. Some situations require more sophisticated (i.e. more complicated) tools because there is a need for much more thorough analytics. Many do not. The right balance point between comprehensiveness and simplicity will provide enough analytical complexity to adequately describe the marketplace, the customers, what you do and how you will compete, but nothing more than that. Simplicity, where it can be found, makes a significant difference when working across a large population.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Transformative Pedagogy and Learning

Transformative Pedagogy and Learning One of the most exciting changes that have occurred in education during the past decade has been the increase in knowledge in the areas of brain research and cognitive science. This research has produced a wealth of knowledge about how the brain functions and the kinds of conditions under which it learns most effectively. This new knowledge has significant implications for pedagogy and curriculum, and also for how schools are organized because the reality is that the kinds of conditions that are needed to promote learning are not seen inmost schools. Increased knowledge about new research related to pedagogy and curriculum is vital to making decisions about new strategies or innovations. The term pedagogy is defined as the art and science of being a teacher, refers not only to strategies or styles of instruction but also to the facilitation and management of sustainable transformations, whether individual, social, structural or institutional. The transformative dimension of pedagogy deserves to be clarified, revisited and eventually changed the responsibility of educators to transcend the traditional role and expand the scope of the work towards an active participation to knowledge enrichment. What is Transformative Pedagogy? A transformative pedagogy is based both on a realistic view of contemporary and on possible paths to improvement in our human life. Knowledge is a social concept and it emphasiss the value of multiple perspectives in the teaching/learning experience. It is well known learners construct their own knowledge, based on their interaction with the environment. It is within the constructivist perspective that we find insights about transformative pedagogy. It is in this environment that the critical questioning can lead to deeper self-reflection as students absorb with knowledge and perspectives that differ from their own. The process of transformative pedagogy opens the door for the development of problem-solving skills that promote active responses within the larger society, making transformative pedagogy far more than the transmission of information. It also expands the view of students and teachers alike, leading to greater self-awareness, deeper compassion for others and a commitment to produce change in self and the world. Teachers should be enfranchised to take meaning from what their pupils bring with them into the classroom. Childrens cultural exchanges with other children are important and dominant in the negotiations of interests between home, school and peer group, Present day system of teaching and learning In todays educational scenario the curriculum is classified and framed. Teachers have little opportunity to introduce new ideas. Teachers dont have autonomy in curriculum matters. Schools still use printed and linear pedagogy that was developed in the past. Teachers tend to use new technologies which can be adapted to their old styles of teaching following the syllabus guidelines. Young people learn more by peer group interaction than engagement with adults. In the process of learning evaluation is done by conducting tests. It is believed that all human beings are alike. Every learner was assigned same lesson. Teaching was teacher centered and the curriculum focused on subject matter. The information was organized in sequenced topics and units and the teacher delivered and students have to master them. The intended outcome is to pass the test by memorizing and mastering the transmitted information. Advantages of Transformative Pedagogy Transformative pedagogy places the student at the center of learning. It help learners find their own inner voice and power, therefore they feel empowered to effect social change. Teachers have to respect and will have compassions for co-learners. All ways of knowing are interconnected and enriched by each other. The desired outcome is to change- to transfer learning into social action outside the classroom. Transformative pedagogy is closer to collaborative approach. The power is more likely to be shared between students and teachers. The curriculum focuses on problems and solutions by both teachers and students and they jointly construct meaning that informs learners personal growth. Learning is measured by observing each students growth and thinking process, inquiry process, and students predisposition to lifelong learning. Transformative learning involves experiencing a deep, structural shift in the basic premise of thought, feeling, and actions. It is a shift of consciousness that dramatically and permanently alters our way of being in the world. Such a shift involves our understanding of ourselves and our self-locations; our relationships with other humans and with the natural world; our understanding of relations of power in interlocking structures of class, race, and gender; our body-awareness; our visions of alternative approaches to living; and our sense of the possibilities for social justice and peace and personal joy Edmund V. OSullivan (2002) Process of Transformative Learning The process of transformative learning involves four vital concepts known as experiencing, conceptualising, analysing, and applying. Experiencing understands in our own ways the interests, perspectives and expressions that learners form in their mind. Conceptualising is drawing and calling something with distinctions of similarity and difference with interpretative framework. Analysing is a process of reasoning, drawing inferential and deductive conclusions, establishing functional relations. It also involves evaluation of your own and other peoples perspectives, interests and motives. Applying is the application of knowledge and understandings to the complex diversity of real world situations and testing their validity. The technology has the potential to inspire all of us to transform the way we live, the way we teach, and the way we learn. It is a radical transformation in educational practice, especially who learns from whom, where, under what circumstances, and for what and whose purpose. Hence the notion of a transformative pedagogy in the environment of ubiquitous learning (Cope Kalantzis, 2008) is not to start from the side of the teacher, but from the side of the student. Internet resources can uniquely facilitate advocacy by helping students obtain necessary information, promoting communication, and enabling coordination with others who have similar concerns. Conclusion The importance of preparing teachers for transformative learning cannot be emphasized enough. If the persistent achievement, learning, and community gaps ((Lee, 2005) are to be closed, and if we are to foster a multicultural democracy, we need teachers who possess the habits and minds of transformative practice. To facilitate successful learning in multicultural education courses, professors must be proactive and engage in pedagogies that are empowering, humanizing, and liberating yet engaging enough to foster meaningful knowledge construction and yet critical enough to challenge students conservative and myopic beliefs and values. We have to study, think, and dialogue about the future of our schools in a time when global knowledge, information technology and the constancy of change are altering the environment of learning. When students make the transition from the classroom into the work force, they are by and large, simply not equipped to handle the challenges they race. They have not acquired the real world skills they need to thrive not just survive in todays laser fast, high-tech globally competitive environment but to help face a future that is more volatile, competitive and complex than ever before. Learning is a community endeavor. The corner stone of a prosperous nation is its intellectual capital. Its true wealth is the treasure of the collective minds of its populace. Creating an ideal, true learning society is the real challenge for the future schools. The future schools will be a workplace for creative, innovative and productive learning for children to make them live with more confident and to b e useful to the society and community and to a large extent to b the good citizen of a nation. The main challenge for tomorrows schools is creating a knowledgeable creative society. Transformative pedagogy is one of the important concepts of learning every pedagogue should know for transforming children of today. P. Vijayachandran

Thursday, September 19, 2019

America’s Insatiable Appetite for Cocaine Essay -- Exploratory Essays

America’s Insatiable Appetite for Cocaine Where does Coca-Cola get its name? Why was it created? In 1886, the Georgia pharmacist, John Pemberton, designed Coca-Cola as a headache remedy and a stimulant. The original beverage contained cocaine and was used both as an intoxicating beverage and a medically useful tonic. The effects of the drink helped make it popular. Only in the early twentieth century was the drug eliminated from the Coca-Cola recipe and replaced with increased amounts of caffeine.[1]   Cocaine has a long history which also involves the once condoned use for medicinal purposes in the 1890's to being one of the most widespread abused drug today. Cocaine was the first effective local anesthetic for use in minor surgery. Before being used in medicine, the Inca civilization of Peru confined the use of coca to the royal classes and priesthood because the leaves were considered a symbol of divinity, a gift bestowed by the sun god. They clearly appreciated its pharmacological effects: deflecting fatigue and hunger, enhancing endurance, and promoting a sense of happiness.[1] Other civilizations gave cocaine to their slaves and workers instead of food and rest. "There is ample evidence that Indians under the influence of coca can withstand exceptional hardships and perform heavy labor, without requiring proper nourishment during that time....[By] using coca the Indians are able to travel on foot for hundreds of hours and run faster than horses without showing signs of fatigu e."[11] What is cocaine? How does cocaine increase alertness and decrease one's appetite? It is all in the head, more accurately, in the brain.   Cocaine is derived from the coca plant Erythroxylon coca in a white crystalline alkaloid powder. ... .... 5. Holden, Constance. "Cocaine Shrinks Your Brain?" Science. 248: April 1990, p. 167. 6. Cowen, Ron. "Cocaine and the Nervous System." Science News. 137: April 1990, p. 238. 7. Mendelson, Jack H., M.d. et al. "Anterior, Adrenal, and Gonadal Hormones During Cocaine Withdrawal." The American Journal of Psychiatry. 145: September 1988, p. 1095. 8. Volkow, Nora D., M.D. et al. "Changes in Brain Glucose Metabolism in Cocaine Dependence and Withdrawal." The American Journal of Psychiatry. 148: May 1991, p. 621. 9. Satel, Sally L., M.D. et al. "Clinical Phenomenology and Neurobiology of Cocaine Abstinence: A Prospective Inpatient Study." The American Journal of Psychiatry. 148: December 1991. P. 1713. 10. Gawin, Frank H. "Cocaine Addiction: Psychology and Neurophysiology." Science. 251: March 1991. P. 1580. 11. Freud, Sigmund. "Uber Coca." July 1884.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Merchant of Venice Essay: The Importance of the Law -- Merchant of Ven

The Importance of the Law in The Merchant of Venice      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The link between Shakespeare and the law is not new; scholars have long realized that the legal discourse can lead to a better understanding of Shakespeare's works.   Yet, that the converse is also true: the study of Shakespeare can lead to a deeper understanding of the fundamental nature of law.   A play like The Merchant of Venice has a great deal to offer in the course of such a reading.   The action of the play is concerned with contract law, but issues of standing, moiety, precedent, and conveyance are also raised.   At the most fundamental level, though, the trial scene in Act IV illustrates the conflict between equity and the strict construction of the law.    Equity, in the legal sense, is "justice according to principles of fairness and not strictly according to formulated law" (Gilbert 103).   This definition, while easily understandable, presents us with a problematic - even dangerous - structure of opposition.   Law and fairness are set at extreme ends of some continuum of justice, and are exclusive.   The definition implies that one can have justice according to "fairness," or justice according to "formulated law."   Yet if law is not inherently fair, if there is need for a concept of equity, how can the law be said to be fulfilling its purpose?   And if "fairness" is not to be found within the confines of "formulated law," from whence does it come?   This is not a new argument, of course; the conflict between law and equity was recognized even in medieval England.    From earliest childhood, we are indoctrinated with a sense of justice, of fairness, of right and wrong.   Every schoolyard echoes with cries of "No fair cheating!"   We seem to know inst... ...s of Shakespeare.   4th ed.   New York: Longman-Addison Wesley Longman, 1997. Gilbert Law Dictionary.   Chicago: Harcourt Brace, 1997. Homer.   The Iliad.   Trans. Robert Fagles.   New York: Penguin, 1990. Keeton, George W.   Shakespeare's Legal and Political Background.   New York: Barnes & Noble, 1967. Kornstein, Daniel J.   Kill All the Lawyers?: Shakespeare's Legal Appeal.   Princeton: Princeton UP, 1994. The Merchant of Venice.   British Broadcasting Corp.   Prod. Jonathan Miller.   Dir. Jack Gold.   Time-Life Video, 1980. Shakespeare, William.   The Merchant of Venice.   Bevington 178-215. ---.   The Merry Wives of Windsor.   Bevington 252-87. Ward, Ian.   Shakespeare and the Legal Imagination.   Law in Context.   London: Butterworths, 1999. White, Edward J.   Commentaries on the Law in Shakespeare.   St. Louis: F.H. Thomas Law Book Co., 1911.   

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Collaboration Assessment Guide

Collaboration Assessment Guide Please complete this four part guide and submit for the Collaboration Lesson. Part One: Collaboration lesson/task description Describe the lesson or task you completed collaboratively in a paragraph consisting of five or more sentences. Part Two: Peer and Self Evaluation Rate each member of the team, including yourself, according to each of the performance criteria below.  ·3 = above average 2 = average 1 = below averageStudent Names|CooperationListened to and respected others and their opinions|ContributionContributed their fair share to the completion of the task or project; fulfilling their assigned duties|ParticipationConsistently spoke up, attended all meetings, fully participated, stayed on task, and offered relevant information|ResponsibilityCompleted all necessary work adequately and on time without needing reminders|FeedbackOffered appropriate and adequate feedback when necessary| |||||| ||||| |||||| |||||| |||||| |||||| Part Three: Self-Refl ection Respond to the following in two to three sentences each. What did you enjoy most about working with others on this lesson/task? Explain. How did your team deal with conflict? Explain. Do you feel others were happy with your participation in the lesson/task? Explain. What will you do differently, if anything, in your next online collaboration opportunity? Explain. Additional comments: Part Four: EvidenceProvide evidence of collaboration in the space below or in a separate document. Examples of evidence include, but are not limited to, the following:  ·Link to the team wiki, blog, Voicethread, or other web 2. 0 tool  ·Copy and paste below, attach, or provide a screen shot of the discussion thread from the blog, wiki, discussion area, instant message, email, etc.  ·Copy and paste or attach team project plan and final project  ·Any other specific evidence as listed with the collaboration lesson or task you completed

Monday, September 16, 2019

Malard Manufactoring Essay

1. The balance of the structure in Malard Manufacturing is very flat and horizontal, and basically has very little vertical structure at all. Julie Crandell who is the executive vice president, likes to keep very tight control among the organisation in which she controls. Julie demands that department managers check with her before any significant decision are made or changed, by doing this Julie has made her span of control too big for her to handle in the due time she has to complete it by, it’s become very difficult for Julie as she has to deal with new inexperienced department managers, who are becoming uncommunicative and frustrated with each other. Vertical organisational structure means a strict top down structure. Typically this structure has been a favored form for many business and other types of organisations. In such an organisation, the chain of command is usually very important and must be followed. In faster moving, dynamic conditions, a vertical organizational structure can become very inefficient, for example, requiring decisions to slowly go through many people along the vertical chain of command before actions can be made by those who need permission to act. Horizontal organizational structure means a flat or closer to flat organizational. In a perfectly horizontal structure, there are no leaders, so usually this means a structure that is still vertical, but has been made more horizontal than what is typically referred to as vertical, Julie’s structure for example. In general, any large organizational structure has both vertical and horizontal aspects to it and depending on whether it is considered to be more vertical or more horizontal results in what it is called. The communication between executive vice president Julie and the department managers is minimal as stated above. Julie needs to work out a new strategy of horizontal communication that will give her the results she needs, possibly a centralised wheel approach for faster and more accurate communication. Examples of different horizontal communication are as follows. Intradepartmental problem solving. These messages take place among members of the same department and concern task accomplishments. For example: ‘Bec, can you please help us fill out the inventory report form?’ Interdepartmental coordination. Interdepartmental messages facilitate the accomplishment of joint projects or tasks. For example: ‘Bec, please contact the Materials department and arrange a meeting to discuss the specifications for the new product materials, we may not be able to meet there needs’. Change initiative and improvements. These messages are designed to share information among teams and departments that can help the organisation change, grow and improve. For example: ‘We are having a discussing about the budgets of several departments and would like your input for the discussion’. 2. If I were Julie Crandell, I would feel compelled to organise a project meeting with all department managers and discuss a way to create a new strategy or work out the difficulties in the existing one, so that it will be successfully appropriate to attain the result we need as an organisation. Whilst having the project meeting and discussing the new deadline for project CV305 and receiving all department managers input and problems, I would then organise weekly project meetings along with regular progress reports, I would then suggest a decentralised management approach, the advantage is Julie the Senior manager would have time to then concentrate on the most important decisions, as the other decisions can be undertaken by other people down the organisation structure. Some good examples of having a decentralised management approach are, Decision making is a form of empowerment, and empowerment can increase motivation and therefore mean that staff output increases. Empowerment will enable departments and their employees to respond faster to changes and new challenges. Whereas it may take senior managers like Julie longer to come up with a similar response. Staff within departments would sometimes have a greater knowledge of the product their producing and would then be able to make better choices and decisions then say Julie, there for this approach would suit the organisation better then all ways lining up to see Julie for her advice and approval, which may take a long time as Julie had little time to oversee everything with her centralised approach. Another approach Julie could take would be to hire a personal assistant. As Julie is a person that has so much on her plate for example, scheduling management meetings, answering phone calls, dropping letters off to the post office and checking her schedule, as well as many more other duties. These errands could all be done by anyone else like a personal assistant therefore saving Julie precious time so she can concentrate on more important tasks then organising meetings and writing up reports. 3. Julie has made a wrong choice by choosing to go with the centralised decision making structure, instead she needs to find a more appropriate structure that will be able to deliver and suit the companies desired outcome in the time line they have set for the new product. This structure will need to be decentralised, so decisions are made quicker and more accurate as Julie may not have quite well an understanding of the product then say the department manager. A team based approach is what I personally think Julie should use for the development of new future products. One of the best forms of business organisation is the team-based structure. A team based structure is an organisation that groups employees on the same work level into teams that perform specific functions within their job tasks. This structure combines the low-overhead, minimal management structure of a lateral structure with the team efforts common to a hybrid structure. There are numerous advantages to a team-based lateral organizational structure. A team-based organisational structure is similar to a traditional lateral structure, in carrying less overhead management to cause delays in decision-making and implementation of best practices or new ideas. With no need to wait on a lengthy chain of command to receive approval for ideas or changes to the, a team-based lateral structure can make necessary changes on the fly and allow for rapid response to different market conditions. This is especially important in today’s digital economy. By spreading the responsibility among teams involving everyone involved in project CV305 rather than having a single person (Julie) in charge of all decision-making or management of a project, decisions can be reached by a quorum and can take place rapidly as team members can be assigned to research areas of need, implement changes, or work on other problems while other team members continue to focus on the current situation of the project. Decisions made by a team are often better thought out and more effectively implemented than decisions made by a single individual, that being Julie in this case. A team-based organisational structure will eliminate Julie’s centralised flat chain of command, Julie’s centralised approach caused delays and worker frustration with cumbersome communication lines. A team can more effectively raise concerns to management without having to wait a unpredictable time for Julie’s response, This can make individuals more willing to speak out about problems or inefficiency due to not having to wait, and being able to receive their answers quicker. If Julie were to establish a task force or assign a project manager, so they can establish and assist departments in representing them, and to share their information with other departments which will enable coordination. In addition to creating task forces, companies also set up cross functional teams. A cross functional team furthers horizontal coordination because participants from several departments meet regularly to solve ongoing problems of common interest (Mintzberg, 1979).

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Bass Reeves

Black Reeves is best known as the first African-American Deputy Marshall West of the Mississippi River. He is considered as one of the greatest frontier heroes of America. Using his talent with firearms to â€Å"clean op† the chaotic Indian Territory, he was able to turn in numerous criminals into custody. Where he was actually born is shrouded in mystery as several sources say that he is either born in Texas or Arkansas.At any rate, he eventually moved to Texas along with his master, George Reeves, a politician and farmer, with whom Bass Reeves last name, was taken (Weiser, 2009).Bass Reeves, despite his big frame, was a good man, polite in his ways, and had a good sense of humor. These characteristics allowed him to be favored by his master—he became the â€Å"buddy† and personal servant of George Reeves. During the Civil war, George Reeves joined the Confederate army and tagged along with him Bass Reeves (Weiser, 2009). A sort of Civil War within Bass and Geor ge’s relationship also happened during the war. Bass Reeves, for one reason or another left his master and sought refuge in Indian land.Rumors say that a fight broke out between George and Bass during a card game, another rumor says that the promise of being free after the war coaxed Bass Reeves into parting ways with his master. He spent a good deal of time with Seminole and Creek Indians, all the while honing his skills in shooting. He became so skilled in shooting that he was disqualified in most turkey shooting competitions (Weiser, 2009). The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freed all the African-American slaves. Bass Reeves purchased land in Arkansas where he put up a farm.After a year of being a successful farmer, he was married to Nellie Jennie. Bass Reeves and Nellie Jennie raised a family of five girls and five boys while enjoying life on the farm (Weiser, 2009). The chaotic Indian Territory would be the cause for Bass Reeve’s career change. The Indian Terri tory during Reeve’s time became the hideout of all sorts of outlaws. This prompted the government to commission Isaac Parker as a judge in the District Court at Fort Smith, Arkansas, the closest fort near the Indian Territory.In turn, Parker commissioned James Fagan, a US Marshall, to employ 200 deputies. Bass Reeves’ familiarity with the Indian Territory and local languages (because of his exile there) came into Fagan’s attention, resulting in the recruitment of Reeves. The deputies were hired for one purpose alone, and that is to eradicate the outlaws of the area at any cost (Weiser, 2009). Reeves soon started his duty as a US Deputy and worked alongside fellow frontier legends like Bud Ledbetter, Bill Tilghman, and Heck Thomas.The US Deputies covered about 75,000 square miles of land encompassing Oklahoma, which is within the jurisdiction of Fort Smith (Weiser, 2009). The law states that a warrant of arrest is needed in order for the arrest to be legal. An un educated person would have trouble with this because warrants are written documents, and deputies often have to carry multiple warrants with them. However, illiteracy did not stop Reeves from carrying out his duty He memorized each warrant by having it read aloud to him before they ride out.He knew which warrant to show for each criminal (Weiser, 2009). As if his 6 foot, two-inch frame was not tall enough to intimidate criminals, Reeves, fully dressed with shined boots and all, rode a big stallion to be a dominant figure. Despite his fondness of looking at his best all the time, when the task required a little bit of creativity, he used a variety of guises to apprehend criminals as efficiently as possible. He always had with him two revolvers which he used, and he was adept at using them in both hands (Weiser, 2009).Reeves pursuit of criminals would often mean that he would be out of the fort for months at a time and come back only to turn in his captured criminals and spend a short time with his family (Weiser, 2009). One capture that has immortalized Reeves is his capture of two outlaw brothers in the Red River Valley. His posse camped out a distance away from the house where the outlaws were thought to be hiding. Reeves disguised himself as a man in rags and knocked on the door of the outlaws. The outlaws’ mother opened up and allowed him to stay, all the while fooling her that he wants to join forces with her sons.The outlaws came home, and Reeves managed to convince the family to join forces. While the outlaws were on their sleep, Reeves handcuffed them without them even noticing. First thing in the morning, Reeves woke the outlaws and brought them to the camp where the rest of his posse was. The outlaws’ capture brought in an additional $5,000 dollars to Reeves’ name (Weiser, 2009). Another famous adventure that Reeves involved himself into is the encounter with Bob Dozier. Dozier was an infamous criminal and has managed to elude Ree ves for the longest time.Refusing arrest, Dozier was shot dead by Reeves (Weiser, 2009). The hardest arrest that Reeves had to do was the arrest of his own son. His son was charged by killing his own wife. Reeves volunteered to take his own son into custody. After half a month of pursuit, he turned in his son and was tried and sent to prison but was released earlier than decreed because of petition and a clean record while in prison (Weiser, 2009). After law enforcement was established in the area, deputies were no longer needed. He served as a patrolman in Oklahoma for two years. While he was in the office, crime was virtually zero.Only sickness prevented Reeves from continuing his service, as he was diagnosed with Bright’s disease. He died on the 12th of January 1910 (Weiser, 2009). Over 3,000 outlaws were apprehended by Reeves in a span of 35 years. That means more than 7 outlaws turned in every month if we do the math. With just 14 casualties in all, Bass Reeves is probab ly the most efficient official in American history (Weiser, 2009). Reference Weiser, K. (2009). Black Reeves – Black Hero Marshall. Legends of America. com. Retrieved March 19, 2009, from http://www. legendsofamerica. com/WE-BassReeves. html.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Reflection Journal on court Visit

Even before entering courtroom it was evident how nervous every single student in the group I was in was, from the way everyone slowly crept forward, reluctant to be the first one through the door. I had to steel my nerves before pushing the door to District Courtroom 11 open. The trial I experienced was the murder of a pair of infant twins due to a lack of sustenance and nutrition in June 2008 (Dick & Kellet, 2008) The accused parties, (LWS009 Study Guide, 2013, p. 15), Kylie Maree Mathews and Mark Ryan Jackman, were the mother and father of the twins.The opposing crown prosecutor’s case (LWS009 Study Guide, 2013, p. 14) was brought on behalf of the State of Queensland. When I first walked into the courtroom, one of the last people who had had contact with the accused parties before the twins died was being cross-examined by the defending Barrister (M. Backstrom, â€Å"LWS009 Lectorial 1†. 2013). It was mentioned that Kylie Mathews isolated the twins from the rest of h er family and friends in early 2008. Kylie Mathews also stopped answering calls, messages and rarely left the house.There was limited opportunity for other adults to see the twins, however, there was no active repelling of people who wanted to see the twins. The atmosphere was tense as a second witness was called in. The witness took affirmation as per protocol (Queensland Government, n. a. ), before being cross-examined by the defending Barrister. This second witness I saw was Kylie Mathew’s consulting psychiatrist, before and after the twins passed away, from 2008 to 2009. From what I could gather throughout the time I was in the courtroom, Kylie Mathews’s state of mind was an important issue to be discussed.Applying the process of ISAAC to solving legal problems (M. Backstrom, â€Å"LWS009 Lectorial 2† 2013) in this context, a lot of attention was placed on the issue of Kylie Mathew’s psychological state and the operation of â€Å"magical thinkingâ₠¬  on many levels in the period of time leading up to the loss of the twins. It was mentioned that Kylie Mathews had had anger issues and had seen the psychiatrist often. The day we went to the Queen Elizabeth II Courts Of Law, there were a number of considerably conspicuous trials going on, many involving deaths.Even though many of us were happy that we had the chance to watch these trials, thinking back on it now, it was slightly disheartening to realize exactly how many of such cases happen that are complicated enough to have to bring to court. The murder of the twins happened in 2008, but it is only in 2013 that this case is fully addressed, plus the trial was only on day 11 of 15. It is only after watching part of a trial first-hand that I realize just how much time and effort is put into the resolution of such cases and how essential a stable, predictable court system is.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Current Events-Native American Communites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Current Events-Native American Communites - Essay Example This essay analyzes this auction as part of the enduring fights against modern forms of colonization. Evidently, Native Americans continue to be bullied in and displaced from their original lands, as some people use the law to violate existing treaties and rulings that give property rights to the former. History repeats itself, as the Lakotas fight for what is theirs because they are under siege from the same forces that ejected them from their lands more than five hundred years ago. In Chapter 2 â€Å"The Invasions of America† of the book First Peoples: A Documentary Survey of American Indian History, Calloway (2012) described the centuries of land grabbing and extermination that Native Americans endured, since Columbus first stepped on the New World. The European settlers created laws and waged wars that aimed to take away the lands from the natives. Up to now, the same strategy persists. The descendants of these settlers continue the practice of using the law to dispossess the natives of their lands. Black Hills is a sacred site that the United States government and its Supreme Court recognize as the property of the Lakota people. The Reynolds family, however, â€Å"owns† it too, and so they can do as they please with it. At present, the Lakota tribes are accumulati ng funds to buy at least Pe’ Sla, which is quite saddening, because they are raising so much money to buy land that belongs to them. Hence, even in the twenty-first century, the natives continue to battle the settlers, who want to take fundamental signifiers of their culture- their sacred ancestral lands. The century has turned but the fight against colonization continues. This time, no blades, cannons, and guns are used, and instead, property rights laws are used. The victims have the same faces, the faces of the native tribes of America. Black Hills is a sacred site. More than that, it belongs to the Lakota. They do not even use it to make money. They need it to